Lecture 01 (Jan 21, 2022)
First Lecture: Intorduction of autocorrleation for linear time series
This is the note I am taking in class for Stat 556, the advanced time series analysis.
First Lecture: Intorduction of autocorrleation for linear time series
Calculate the variance and convergence rates for autocorrelation sample estimator by central limit theorem. Introduce statistical tests for ACF.
Some introduction of AR model and linear model covariance calculation.
Introduce AR(2) model and disucss the condition of weakly stationary for AR(1) and AR(2) models
Periodicity of AR models with complex roots; Asymptotic statistics of AR(p) models
Introduction to PACF and Information criteria (AIC, BIC)
Introduction to MA model and conditional loglikelihood maximization method. Introdcution to ARMA model
Introduction to ARMA model and its AR and MA representation
Introduction of Karhunen-Leove theorem, the spectral theorem and autocovariance generating function
Spectral density as the Fourier transform of autocovariance, the sample version spectral representation theory and sample periodogram
Spectral representation sample version proof. Variance decomposition into Fourier components. Estimate spectral density
Non parametric estimation of spectral density (Kernel Method)
Introduction to Conditional Variance
Introduction to ARCH model
Estimation of ARCH Model with method of moments
Introduction to Generalized ARCH and model estimation and forecast
Introduction to Non-linear Models including TAR ans SETAR
Introduction to unit root models
Construct statistical test for unit root from samples
Random Walk with Drift term and statistical test for non-zero drift
Statistical Test for The Drift Term
Continuous Time Model
Introduction to Ito’s Process and Ito’s Lemma
Introduction to Ito’s Process and Ito’s Lemma
Application of Ito’s Lemma: Derivation of Black-Scholes Formula
Diffusion Processes with Jumps
Continutation of Jump Diffusion Model and Introduction to Multiple Time Series
Introduction to Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model
Introduction to Cointegration and Vector Error Correction Model
Introduction to Vector Error Correction Model
Introduction to state space model, the Kalman Filterl
Continuation of the discussion of Kalman Filter